Tidy Nest | KonMari Consultant Arkansas

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Join Us for a Month of Joy

I’m excited to tell you about what’s going with Tidy Nest in August. Every day of the month I’m going to post something on Facebook and Instagram that sparks joy and tag it #SparkJoyWithSue.

It would make me so happy if you would join me! Let me see pictures of pets, meals, babies, friends, treasured possessions...whatever makes you happy. 

One of the main tenets of the KonMari Method™ is expressing gratitude for the things you surround yourself with, as well as gratitude for the things you release, which is why I love it. It’s a positive way at looking at things, and that gives me energy. 

You’ve probably seen the proliferation of gratitude journals on the market. My planner has a little box in the upper left corner of each page I’m supposed to fill in before I write anything else on my schedule. It says “Something good in my life.” It makes me take a second to slow down and recognize how fortunate I am. 

In an article in Psychology Today titled the 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude, Psychotherapist Amy Moran says

“We all have the ability and opportunity to cultivate gratitude. Rather than complain about the things you think you deserve, take a few moments to focus on all that you have. Developing an “attitude of gratitude” is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life.”

What you post doesn’t have to be profound. It can just be something small like this funny little bird that sparks joy for me and Carly. We saw it at The Good Earth Nursery and wanted to be able to look at it every single day. Our garden wasn’t doing awesome at the time, so seeing something adorable among the wilting tomato plants made us smile.

Here are some examples of things that spark joy from some of the most positive, happy, encouraging people I know.

Sarah Heer of Arkie Travels has posted something uplifting on Facebook every single day this year. She’s calling it 365 Days Of Encouragement. It’s one of the first things I look for when I log in because it always gives me a boost and makes my day happier. 

Sarah Waymire is an art teacher who  says, “I haven’t made much art that I actually keep - honestly, three total - but I’m super into this drawing. I made it as an example for a project my students did. But then I became attached, and now it’s over my fireplace.”

Julie Duvall says “the ability to express myself artistically in different mediums” sparks joy for her. I’ve been the grateful recipient of her artistry. She made these honeycomb soaps for a bee-themed baby shower I hosted and everyone loved them. Check her out at The Cottage at Sunny Gap if you ever need a unique gift.

Charia Hall is launching a business called the Monogram Swap Shop for people who would like to buy or sell monogrammed clothing with someone who has a child of the same name. What a great idea!  She is also a mom and works full time.

She says, “In a world filled with noise and constant motion, what sparks joy for me most is finding time to sit quietly to just be present and mindful. I find the most joy when I can get up early in the morning before the rest of my family and enjoy a cup of coffee, read a few chapters in my current book, and plan for the day in quiet. The simple joy of this morning routine helps to energize my mind and soul and give me more calm and patience throughout the day.” 

Emily Walderns Kennedy is a firefighter, owns a farm, homeschools her lovely daughter, and owns A Messy Miracle Haircraft. She sent me this picture when I asked her what sparks joy. She said, “It’s “Laney, 11, with the first horse I ever bought, Bugg. She’s 28 now and I’ve owned her for around 17 years.”

My little sister Carol Hawkins loves to laugh. She’s a runner and always makes weird hats or costumes for her races. One of our friends always says if you’re gonna do something, commit. Carol commits. This is a pic of her hat from the “Will Run For Tacos” race. The key rack her husband Mike made also brings her joy. She says, “I love the photo, and it’s very useful! Key holder and coat hook all in one.”

April Pollard is an amazing person. She started Women Influencers a couple years ago with a handful of other ladies “to create a space for all women to connect, encourage, and inspire each other!” It’s grown to over 5,000 women. She says “road trips with my boys spark joy.” 

This really sparked joy for me today. My Husband Jeff’s birthday is tomorrow, and my daughter Kelsey flew in to surprise him.

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Also, talking with Mariel on The Vine this morning about the #SparkJoyWithSue challenge was really fun. I got to sit behind the desk like a real newsperson!

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I would LOVE to see what sparks joy for you. Tag us on Facebook or Instagram and use the hashtag #SparkJoyWithSue so I’ll be sure to see it!

Happy Tidying!

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Sue Fehlberg is Arkansas’ only Certified KonMari Consultant

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