Tidy Nest | KonMari Consultant Arkansas

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Giving Experiences for Christmas

Hello! I know it’s been a while since I posted, so I thought I’d catch up with you a bit. I’ve been busy the past couple of months with clients and speaking engagements. I was honored to be a featured speaker at the Arkansas Women in Banking Conference at the Robinson Center a few weeks ago. It was a lovely group of women in a lovely venue and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

We’re also excited to announce 8 workshops coming up early in the new year. They’re hosted by the Central Arkansas Library System and the schedule is below. I’d love to see you at one of them!

  • Tuesday, January 7th, 5:00 pm, Millie Brooks

  • Saturday, January 11th, 10:00 am, Sanders

  • Tuesday, January 14th, 6:00 pm, Fletcher

  • Thursday, January 16th, 6:00 pm, Williams

  • Tuesday, January 28th, 6:00 pm, Dee Brown

  • Saturday, February 1st, 10:00 am, Maumelle

  • Saturday, February 8th, 3:00 pm, Nixon

  • Wednesday, March 11th, 6:00 pm, Terry

Something unexpected happened a couple months ago - I started a side job as a sign artist at the new Trader Joe’s! This was not in my game plan but it’s so fun and it’s sparking tons of joy for me! I can’t believe I get paid to draw and color!

All of this meant that I didn’t get everything bought and wrapped for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Some year I’m going to be one of those people who are all ready before December even hits. But not this year. I do try to be done with shopping before my family comes home so I can spend time with them rather than racing around to crowded stores. This year, we’ve made even more of an effort to give experiences rather than things. Don’t get me wrong, we still have presents under the tree, but every year there are fewer and fewer of them. Here are a few things we’re doing this year if you’re still looking for some last-minute gift ideas that aren’t “things.”

I took Kelsey to Eden Salt Studio yesterday for a dry salt therapy session. My friend Tori Jones owns the studio and it’s a gorgeous space. You sit in rocking chairs, listen to music, and chill for 45 minutes while salt is dispersed into the air. Kelsey loves trying new things and said it was something she never would have done by herself or for herself.

Tomorrow Kelsey is taking me to get a blow-out. The session includes a scalp massage as well as a conditioning treatment. I’ve never done this and I can’t wait! If you’ve been to one of my workshops you know my ideal day would include having someone do my hair and makeup every morning. It’s my dream come true!

Kelsey also bought tickets for Carly to see a comedian in Chicago (where she lives) next spring. I love it when the girls do things like this. They buy tickets to commit themselves then figure out the logistics later. 

She also got an experience for her dad, but I can’t tell you what it is yet since it’s still a surprise. I know he’ll love it.

After the salt session, Kel and I went to a Restorative (Yin) Yoga class at Eden, which was taught by another friend, Wendy Donley, of Take Up Your Mat Holy Yoga. It was a 75 minute class focused on holding poses for extended periods of time to get deep into the muscle fascia. I loved it. Kelsey hadn’t done yoga for quite a while, so she’s a bit sore today. She said it’s another thing she wouldn’t have gone to by herself.

We always get the girls gift cards for places and services they use often. Some of their favorites in the past have been Uber, Little Rock Climbing Gym, Barnes and Noble, Three Fold, Sephora, and Chipotle.

Right now I’m sitting with Kelsey at one of our favorite spots in Hillcrest, Abbi’s Teas and Things. We always come here at least a couple of times when she’s in town. She has to finish up some work, and it’s a beautiful, welcoming, quiet spot with delicious tea. 

We’ll swing by Trader Joe’s in a little bit to get food for Christmas Eve and Christmas and we’ll be done shopping. Speaking of Christmas Eve, our church, Redeemer Community, is having a candlelight Christmas Eve service at 5:00 PM. It’s beautiful, lasts less than an hour, and I’d love to have you join me.

I hope you are enjoying this holiday season. This is a great time to give yourself grace and not worry if things in your home get a little disheveled. Enjoy the people in your life. You can tidy up when they all go home!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas from Ford - the latest addition to our family

Sue Fehlberg is Arkansas’ only Certified KonMari Consultant

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